Wednesday, March 10, 2010

Let's start at the very begining.

I have recently had the absolute fortune of being accepted as a summer intern for a program called Mission Lazarus. It's located in Honduras and has everything from a medical clinic to a coffee plantation in hopes of helping the people of Honduras out.

Am I scared? absolutely. Am I sure? by no means. Am I ready? no way Jose! But I have come to believe that in light of my new adventure, I don't have to be filled with bravery, courage, or even a complete Spanish vocabulary. Instead, I just have to have the willingness to go.

This blog, and yes I am a newbie at this so bear with me, is going to be dedicated to this exciting ride that I'm on. I'll try to write every-so-often and dictate what's going on, how I'm feeling and most importantly how many stupid things I will probably end up doing, cause let's be real, I am no good at speakin da Spanish.

As for now, I'm pumped. At moments I could get on a plane and jet out of here, but others day it seems almost too much to think about. I'll be graduating from college (ACU), packing up my house, be home for just a little while and then BAM, in a new country. While I have always known that this is the life I have wanted, the cost at which it comes is high. But, God is good, my family won't leave, my friends will stay true, and there is no better time than now to follow this call.

So that is that. I guess I'll write again when there is something to report.


  1. Mallory, I know God will equip you for this TRUE adventure!

  2. I am so excited to hear about your adventures. You will be such a blessing to everyone you ecounter, just as they will be to you. God has done great things in you and he will continue to do so. Now get out there and show 'em what your made of! Stay away from stray golfcarts. Love ya!
