Monday, April 11, 2011


The other day my mother and I were out shopping for a gift when we ran into a man we knew from church. After chatting for a little while he turns, looks at me, and asks "so why Honduras?". I was kinda caught off guard by his question and in return asked, "what do you mean?". He replied, "well, you could do any of that stuff you are doing here, so why Honduras?".

I gave him an answer and it was a truthful one. One about my calling. One about my passion. Filled with reasons and facts and statistics. His curiosity seemed to be satisfied, and began talking to my mother once again. After leaving the man, I quickly realized I had given the wrong answer. Yes, it was truthful and honest, but it was not my reason.

I am not moving to Honduras because I think it will be a grand adventure or because I need something to do. I am not going because I want to leave home or because I am trying to prove my independence. I am not even leaving because I tired of being stagnant. I am leaving because for those few moments when I am out on the missions field, whether it be building a house or giving out bags of food, I feel perfectly aligned with the will of God. That's it. That's all that matters.

In this stage of my life everything seems to get complicated by all that I have to do. I have to raise funds and I have to pack my things and I have to sell things and I have to raise even more money, but none of that matters. None of that truly matters. Because I am not doing this for the money or the prestige or the materiel objects. I am doing this because there is a God and He has some kind of great love that I have to and get to share. And I have even been given a chance to share this love with people from a different country. I get to live, love and share in experience that otherwise I would never know about.

It is easy for me to forget this. It is easy for me to focus on what is only directly in front of me. It is easy to grow weary of the task at hand. But I don't want easy, I don't want safe, I don't want known; I want God. And God calls me to places that are difficult and God calls me to be in places that aren't safe and God calls me to places that aren't known, but I will be with God. I will never go where He is not.

Alignment with His will. That's why I go. That's why I do what I do. That's why I am who I am.
Mallory K. Kornegay